This week's staff spotlight is... Mr. Wilmes! Mr. Wilmes likes the small community feeling and also how he gets to know each one of his students' names. He says that there are many opportunities for students to get involved. There is also great staff! Being a teacher wasn't the first job on his list. He had thought about a job involving dealing with computers, like computer programming. There were many more possibilities as well before. If Mr. Wilmes wasn't a teacher he would want to be a pilot, since he loves to fly. One thing that students would find surprising would be that Mr. Wilmes didn't like giving speeches or being in front of a class while growing up. Now that he's a teacher things have changed throughout the years. A 'good day' at school for him would be when everything planned during his classes goes as it should. When students understand the material that they went through today. Also when he gets three round meals to eat! Another teacher's class that he would like to enroll in for a day would be a P.E. class... that way he could dominate dodgeball, volleyball, or whatever the activity would be that day.
Staff Spotlight: Mr. Wilmes
November 16, 2023