Traci Hummel

Today's staff spotlight is Traci Hummel! She is the 6th-grade ELA and Social Studies teacher. Ms. Hummel went to college at the University of Phoenix and Creighton University. She decided to work at our school because she wanted to work in a smaller, rural school that still held family values and still said the Pledge of Allegiance similar to the school she attended. Some advice Ms.Hummel has for students is "Enjoy your school years, work hard, but most importantly, be kind to yourself and others. " A fun memory she has had at school is taking students on field trips. She says "This is a chance for students and teachers to be together outside of school and have fun that is not all focused on academics." Ms.Hummel's dream vacation is a tropical island with no people but with all the conveniences of internet access. Her favorite food and drink is Tacos and Pepsi.